Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Edit A Gaming Video Or Montage


Dominic's editing service, we will cater to all your needs!
-Please contact me before ordering! Thanks.-

Why choose us?
  • Fast delivery but never rushed.
  • High quality custom tailored edited videos for you.
  • Great customer service and very active always.
  • We love editing and that makes it fun and simple for everyone.
What do you edit and how?
  • We can do anything from lets plays, montage's, highlights. There is always something for someone!
  • We use Sony Vegas 15 and will render your awesome videos in HD 1080p and 60 FPS.
How do we start!?
  • Send me a message explaining specifically what you want edited and how. If you need a video longer than what I offer than just tell me and we will figure out pricing with no problem!



Thanks Dom


thanks for the vid


Thanks for the video


Awesome video!!


thanks man!

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